
Here on the GAD resource page, we’re constantly adding manuals, presentations, reports and more that can support YOU in your endeavors in site. To make your searching more efficient, this page is organized in the following manner…

Section 1 is all about Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSR).
Next comes HIV/AIDS specific resources. Although most all the SSR manuals include a chapter or two covering HIV/AIDS and STI transmission, the programs in Section 2 dig deeper into the topic.
Section 3 focuses on resources specifically dealing with Violence. 
Section 4 covers resources for working specifically with Men and Boys.
Section 5 is all about Peace Corps published materials, including the Camp in a Box folder. 
Section 6 is a listing of resources PCVs have used on Other Projects in their sites (a literacy course at the casa maternal and a community bank with women, for example).
Lastly, section 6 has a few Reports on Gender for further reading and information gathering.

Scroll on down, check it out, and let us know if you have something to add! 

1. Salud Sexual Reproductiva

Mochila Educativa downloads:
00 Guia para facilitadores
01 Comunicacion Asertiva
02 Autoestima
03 Sexualidad
04 Sexo y Genero
05 Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos 
06 Deberes de las y los adolescentes
07 Ley de la juventud
08 Prevencionn de Embarazo
09 Metodos Anticonceptivos
10 Infecciones de Transmision Sexual
11 Violencia Intrafamiliar
12 Drogas

Yo Merezco 
The Yo Merezco manual was developed by Peace Corps Volunteers in Honduras as an abstinence-based curriculum for girls between the ages of 9 and 12. Topics included Self-Esteem, Marriage and Gender, Anatomy, Puberty, HIV and STIs, Domestic Violence, Decision-Making, Adolescent Pregnancy, Abstinence, and Menstruation.
Front Page
Intro letter
Index and how to be a facilitator
Chapters 1-3 (Introduction, Abstinence, and Self-esteem)
Chapters 4-6 (Communication, Anatomy and Puberty)
Chapters 7-10 (Menstruation, Preventive health, Adolescent pregnancy and Marriage)
Chapters 11-14 (HIV and STIs, Violence, Decision making, and Closing/final evaluation)

Tú, tu vida, y tus sueños
Put together by Family Care International, the spanish version of Tú, tuvida y tussueños is another resource for reaching out to young people about their personal health and relationships. Over the course of the 15 chapters, the manual focuses on 3 overarching themes: 1) our bodies, how they change and develop, and how to care for them; 2) emotional health, self-esteem and relationships with others, and 3) sexual and reproductive health.
The manual is divided into two parts:
Tú, tu vida y tus sueños: Part 1 
(Ch 1: La adolescencia: grandes cambios, grandes desafíos // Ch 2: El cambio de nuestro cuerpo // Ch 3: El cuerpo de los chicos // Ch 4: El cuerpo de las chicas // Ch 5: Los cuidados básicos de cuerpo // Ch 6: El cuidado de la salud emocional // Ch 7: Una buena relación con nuestros padres y madres)

Tú, tu viday tus sueños: Part 2
(Ch 8: La amistad y el amor // Ch 9: El sexo, la sexualidad, y las relaciones sexuales // Ch 10: Cuidar tu salud sexual: prevención del VIH y otras ITS // Ch 11: El embarazo // Ch 12: El sexo seguro // Ch 13: La violencia y la prevención de la violencia sexual // Ch 14: El abuso de drogas y alcohol // Ch 15: Realizar nuestros sueños) 

Salud Sexual y Reproductiva – Manual para Voluntarios
Put together by PC Nicaragua Health volunteers in 2006, this manual covers the following topics: I. Autoestima, II. Comunicación, III. La sexualidad humana, IV. Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, V. El sistema reproductor, VI. El ciclo menstrual, VII. La adolescencia y la pubertad, VIII. El embarazo en la adolescencia, IX. Las infecciones de transmisión sexual, X. La planificación familiar, XI. El condón y el sexo seguro. Each chapter begins with information on the topic and then is followed by a variety of activities for teaching the topic in youth groups.

Nuestros Cuerpos, Nuestra Vidas – La guía definitiva para la salud de la mujer
Nuestros Cuerpos, Nuestras Vidas is an informational book (not presented in ‘charla’ format) with three parts: Como cuidar nuestra salud, relaciones y sexualidad, and la salud y los derechos. Having been published in 2003, some of the surveys and technologies it talks about may be a little outdated; however, the chapters covering abortion, loving relationships between women, and violence against women offer good reading about tough topics. 

Mitos yMétodos Anticonceptivos, UNFPA

Topics covered: (1) Cuando los mitos se crean y se promueven, (2) Principales mitos sobre los métodos, (3) Comprendiendo la fisiología, mecanismo de acción de los métodos anticonceptivos: Pasando de los mitos a la evidencia, (4) Lo que dicen las evidencias respecto de algunos temas claves sobre anticonceptivos: Aclarando mitos, and  (5) Pauta culturales y mitos sobre planificación familiar: Impacto y cadena de efectos

Reproductive Organs – descriptions in Spanish

For a quick explanation of the following two activities, check out the blog post "Role Plays on Gender Roles
Actividad: Aprendemos ser Hombres y Mujeres
Actividad: Silla de opinion

2. HIV-AIDS Specific

If you want to get out of the classroom but still talk about healthy lifestyles, Grassroots Soccer may be just your thing—this manual uses 11 soccer practices and activities to “ayudar a los jóvenes a tener conversaciones enriquecedoras y apropiadas sobre la vida, a tomar los primeros pasos para alcanzar sus objetivos, a mantenerse fuertes frente a los retos y a protegerse a ellos mismos y a los demás del VIH y del SIDA.” The program is designed for youth between the ages of 10 and 19.

Although multiple sexual partnerships are a major drive of the HIV epidemic, the topic is not always adequately covered in HIV prevention curricula for young people. This manual goes beyond the simple message that multiple partners is bad and encourages participants to think about the reasons people give for having multiple partners, the different patterns of multiple partnerships, and the impact these multiple partners have on the community. 
The five units include (1) Understanding the risks of multiple partnerships, (2) Countering concurrent partnerships, (3) Creating a media broadcast to promote monogamous relationships, (4) Practicing skills to avoid multiple partnerships, and (5) Making a commitment to a monogamous relationship.  

This manual provides a sequence of English classes on the topic of HIV, each lesson including key vocabulary, target grammar structures, learning objectives, and language skills students will already need in order to understand the lesson. This program is not appropriate for beginners but would be great for an advanced community class, teachers’ class, or as an information source for workshops.

Topics covered include: (1) Setting goals, (2) Steps in making good decisions, (3) Resistance and negotiation skills, (4) Relationships, (5) What is HIV? – how it is transmitted and how it affects the body, (6) What is HIV? – how does HIV affect our community?, (7) Risky behaviors: drugs and alcohol and HIV, (8) Risky behaviors: sex and HIV, (9) Making good decisions and using my resistance/negotiation skills, (10) Teaching my friends and family – identifying the message, (11) Teaching my friends and family – sharing what I learned, (12) My future is in my hands: final reflection, (13) Living with HIV – discrimination, and (14) Living with HIV – maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

3. Violence

Manual de Violencia de Genero
As described in its introduction: "El Manual de Violencia de Género fue escrito por voluntarios de Cuerpo de Paz, para voluntarios de Cuerpo de Paz.  La idea fue crear un recurso para los voluntarios en Nicaragua para el trabajo en violencia de género, tomando en cuenta la experiencia y educación que llevan a sus sitios, y el trabajo que realizarán.  Sin embargo, cualquier profesional lo puede ocupar en su trabajo.

El Manual está compuesto por 11 capítulos: los primero 10 contienen información para educar al voluntario/a, actividades educativas y “papelógrafos” que resumen los puntos claves de la lectura, que se puede usar en una charla u actividad.  El último capítulo, Recursos en Nicaragua, resume los recursos médicos, legales y sociales que se encuentran en Nicaragua; ésta información es útil para orientar los pobladores acerca de qué recursos tienen disponibles en el caso de que experimenten un acto de violencia de género, y cómo accederlos
01 Introduction
02 Autoestima
03 Comunicacion
04 Genero y Poder
05 Violencia Intrafamiliar
06 Diversidad Sexual
07 Trabajando con Trabajadores Sexuales
08 Trabajando con Hombres
09 Alcoholismo
10 Machismo y VIH
11 Recursos en Nicaragua
12 Violencia Sexual
13 Glosario
14 Bibliografia

Student Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response, USAID
The three manuals focus on 10- to 14-year-old children enrolled in upper primary and lower secondary school.  The overall goal of the training program is to help students learn how to prevent violence and increase their self-efficacy through enhanced knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding healthy relationships, reproductive health issues, HIV prevention and children’s rights and responsibilities.   
By the end of the program, students will be able to:  (1) Protect themselves from gender violence, (2) Strengthen their resiliency if they are abused and (3) Develop healthy relationships with peers and adults.

De Esto Si Se Habla manual on Violence
Part of NGO Grupo Venancia's campaign, this manual is divided into three sections covering violence against women, sexual abuse, and adolescent pregnancy. The charlitas are set-up as teacher/facilitator guides to encourage discussion and engagement of youth in these topics. 

Part 1: Violence Against Women (includes sub topics of: Violencia contra la mujer, Violencia en el noviazgo, and Una vida side violencia-construyendo la igualdad) 

Part 2: Sexual Abuse

Part 3: Adolescent Preganancy

4. Men and Boys

Ser machista es balurde, REDMAS
Aqui entre nos: ideas y herramientas para la prevencion del VIH/SIDA en el hombre adulto, PC Honduras
Men aren't from Mars, unlearning Machismo in Nicaragua

And--great news!!--there's a similar version of "Yo Merezco" for boys called 'Yo Tambien Merezco.' Download the full manual here... Yo Tambien Merezco Manual

The point of this guide is to help facilitate reflection between men around topics such as gender, masculinity, violence, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, fatherhood, and interpersonal communication. The manual is divided into 3 sections. Sección 1: Dibujando conceptos, Sección 2: Orientaciones metodológicas, Sección 3:  Sesiones. The 30 session topics start with “¿De dónde viene nuestro machismo?” and moves from there to cover everything from division of work by sex, pornography, abortion, machismo and communication, machismo and destruction of the environment, prostitution, our fathers, power and control, and homophobia. The manual finishes with a glossary of 100 words every man and woman should now, and a bibliography.

¿Cómo afecta a los hombres el machismo? , Centro de Prevención de Violencia
This librito presents various situations in which machismo negatively affects men: la represión emocional, la relación de padre e hijo, paternidad ausente, la carencias afectivas, adiestramiento para la violencia, sexualidad compulsiva, la salud, la dependencias masculinas, el alcohol, peligro al volante, economía, violencia sexual, and violencia homofóbica, with a final pange on “el camino hacia la libertad.”

5. Peace Corps Published Materials

The Peace Corps Digital Library is an online collection of publications, training manuals, press releases and stories. Here we've linked a few gender-specific resources:
Gender and Development Training and Girls in the Classroom
In the Classroom: Empowering Girls
Income generation and money management: Training women as entrepreneurs
Life Skill Manual
Life Skills Manual (SPANISH) 

Youth camps manual: GLOW and other leadership camps
Volunteerism Action Guide
Volunteerism Action Guide (SPANISH)

Camp in a Box folder of manuals, example projects, suggestions for topics and presentations for how to structure and plan camps.

6. Other projects

Community banking resources: 
Bancos communitarios: Manual de trabajo
Community Banking Vocabulary
Using Banks to Fund Income Generating Activities

Hosting a Movie Night:
Half the Sky Discussion Questions
Ban Bossy Movie Night Gender Stereotypes Checklist

7. Reports on gender

Peace Corps Report:Women in Development (WID) and Gender and Development (GAD), 2010 – report on activities, committees, trainings, challenges, and promising practices in various sectors and PC posts around the world.

Global Gender Gap Report 2013, World Economic Forum

Maternidad en la ninez 2013, UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)

Unsafe and Harassed in Public Places: A national street harassment report, Stop Street Harassment (SSH)

Because I am a Girl, The state of the world’s girls 2010. Digital and Urban Frontiers: Girls in a changingLandscape, PLAN

Sex, condoms, gender roles, andHIV transmission knowledge among adolescents in León Nicaragua: Implicationsfor HIV prevention, 2007

Ley No. 779, Ley integral contra la violencia hacia la mujer

Challenging Machismo: Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health with Nicaraguan Men, Oxfam 2000

Estudio Nacional sobre Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas acerca de la Igualdad de Género y los Derechos Sexuales y Derechos Reproductivos, Fondo de Equidad de Genero y Derechos Sexuales, 2011

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