Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Teacher Training on Gender

Have you ever found yourself wondering why only the boys ever play soccer during recess, or how girls are almost always called on when the class needs mopping but not nearly as often when a question needs answering? Have you heard teachers giving advice to students like “Girls, you’ll have to take care of yourselves in the future because your husbands will probably be unfaithful” or “Real men don’t cry”?

In honor of the upcoming Day of the Girl, here’s a workshop designed by volunteers to address just those issues of how gender norms affect the school environment. The charla has three objectives:

  1. Explicar la diferencia entre los términos sexo y género, así como la transmisión de valores atribuidos a cada uno de ellos
  2. Reflexionar sobre los roles asignados a hombres y mujeres en la sociedad y cómo se relacionan con el ambiente escolar
  3. Descubrir actitudes y estrategias que permitan a los y las maestros alcanzar una mejor calidad de educación inclusiva

By the end of the sessions, teachers will have participated in activities to make them think about what society tells us about what men or women “should” do, discussed strategies available to combat that affecting our teaching, and created short socio-dramas about different situations that commonly present themselves in the school environment and how they can respond.

Click here for the PDF of the workshop
Click here for the ‘Diseño Metodológico’ you can use to help present the workshop idea to directores or delegados.

When talking to educators about this workshop, the following points might help…
  • Acta 12 of Ley 779 is about the prevention of gender violence in schools.
  • Out of the 9 “ejes” MINED has, this workshop relates to 2 in particular: Derechos humanos and Equidad de género y diversidad
  • March 8th is International Women’s day and October 11th is Day of the Girl… either of these would be great opportunities to do the workshop

GAD hopes to video a volunteer presenting the workshop in their site so that others can get a better feel for how it goes. Once that happens, we'll make a copy available here, and if you're willing to be the guinea pig--get in touch! 

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