The Mochila Educativa is
a resource developed by MINSA and Nicaragua Avanza “as an educational guide
that allows adolescents to learn about a series of themes concerning sexual
reproductive health in order to apply and share the information with other
adolescents, young people, family members and community groups.”
This Spanish-language guide offers activities and plans for
teaching youth about the following themes:
- Comunicación asertiva
- Autoestima
- Sexualidad
- Sexo y género
- Derecho sexuales y reproductivos
- Deberes de las y los adolescentes
- Ley y reglamento de Promoción para el Desarrollo Integral de la Juventud (instrumento jurídico de juventud)
- Prevención del embarazo en la adolescencia
- Métodos anticonceptivos
- Infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS)/VIH/SIDA
- Violencia intrafamiliar
- Drogas
as well as a Guide for Facilitators that introduces the
structure, methodology, and materials for the varying topics.
In this post we’ll focus on Chapter 2: Self Esteem. A health
volunteer working in Nothern Nicaragua shares how she used this
resource in her site…
Age group: 14-16 years old
Where the charla was given: In the local high school during class hours
Activities used from the Autoestima chapter:
First the "Dinamica el mercado" where students are given slips of paper with names of products from the market they have to sell by calling out what it is. Each product is repeated. Students roam around the class until they find their pair selling the same thing. Partners respond to a few introductory questions and then present each other to the class.
Definition paplografo about autoestima and objectives for the charla
"Descubriendo mas de mi mismo(a)" activity invovles 3 parts: First, participants individually write what they like about themselves and what they don't like about themselves. Then, everyone tapes a piece of paper on their back and walks around writing positive things on the backs of their companions/friends. This list is compared to the initial list that people wrote about themselves. Lastly, everyone writes what are qualities or abilities they would like to have in the future.
The final activity was "Fortalecer nuestra autoestima." In this activity I read off a list of things that could happen during the day that would damage a person's self-esteem. For each occurrence, the students ripped of a piece of paper that represented their personal self-esteem. After reading all the things that could hurt a person's self-esteem, I read a list of events that might help recuperate your self-esteem. We discussed what it meant to have control over putting our self-esteem back together again.
Things that went well: The students particularly liked writing positive things about each other on their backs.
Things to do differently: Considering the age of the students, some have probably heard something about self-esteem before, which made this charla more of a review for them. It's basic. That can be good, but I might do something a little more in depth next time.
Resource strengths: It's easy to follow and this presentation is not very materials heavy, which made preparation a breeze.
Download, charla it up, and don't forget to check back for more resource reviews!
Click here to view and download the Guide for FacilitatorsAge group: 14-16 years old
Where the charla was given: In the local high school during class hours
Activities used from the Autoestima chapter:
First the "Dinamica el mercado" where students are given slips of paper with names of products from the market they have to sell by calling out what it is. Each product is repeated. Students roam around the class until they find their pair selling the same thing. Partners respond to a few introductory questions and then present each other to the class.
Definition paplografo about autoestima and objectives for the charla
"Descubriendo mas de mi mismo(a)" activity invovles 3 parts: First, participants individually write what they like about themselves and what they don't like about themselves. Then, everyone tapes a piece of paper on their back and walks around writing positive things on the backs of their companions/friends. This list is compared to the initial list that people wrote about themselves. Lastly, everyone writes what are qualities or abilities they would like to have in the future.
The final activity was "Fortalecer nuestra autoestima." In this activity I read off a list of things that could happen during the day that would damage a person's self-esteem. For each occurrence, the students ripped of a piece of paper that represented their personal self-esteem. After reading all the things that could hurt a person's self-esteem, I read a list of events that might help recuperate your self-esteem. We discussed what it meant to have control over putting our self-esteem back together again.
Things that went well: The students particularly liked writing positive things about each other on their backs.
Things to do differently: Considering the age of the students, some have probably heard something about self-esteem before, which made this charla more of a review for them. It's basic. That can be good, but I might do something a little more in depth next time.
Resource strengths: It's easy to follow and this presentation is not very materials heavy, which made preparation a breeze.
Below, you'll find the links for the Mochila Educativa Facilitator Guide and the chapter on Autoestima in pdf form. The autoestima pdf presents a few other activities you could use in combination with what this volunteer chose to use, as well as a pre- and post-test to see how much participants got from the activity.Download, charla it up, and don't forget to check back for more resource reviews!
Click here for the Mochila Educativa: Autoestima chapter
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